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Fine Arts & Photography
in Personal Enrichment
Intro to Acrylic Painting
with Hannah Carroll
Begin your painting journey with popular, versatile acrylics.
Sketching & Watercolors
with Audrey Parker
A new look at objects: Learn the basics of sketching and watercolors to enhance your paintings.
Intro to Laser Cutting
with Tomas Amadeo, Jon Betz
Learn how a laser cutter works, what materials can be cut with it, and how it can expand your making skills and engraving your artwork
Intro to Marbling on Fabric
with Claire Reynes
Make vibrant, unique fabrics for your sewing and textile projects.
Landscapes in Watercolor
with Audrey Parker
Learn the basics of watercolros adn how to bring landscapes to life, studying composition, value, and color to capture the beauty of teh world around us. Bring your own photos to paint from if you want.
Intro to Acrylic Painting
with Hannah Carroll
Begin your painting journey with popular, versatile acrylics.
Intro to Laser Cutting
with Tomas Amadeo, Jon Betz
Learn how a laser cutter works, what materials can be cut with it, and how it can expand your making skills and engraving your artwork
Landscapes in Watercolor
with Audrey Parker
Learn the basics of watercolros adn how to bring landscapes to life, studying composition, value, and color to capture the beauty of teh world around us. Bring your own photos to paint from if you want.