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Arts and Crafts
in Personal Enrichment
Beginning Earring Making
with Erin Page
Learn the skills needed to craft your own customized wire-wrap earrings.
Sketching and Watercolors
with Audrey Parker
A new look at objects: learn the basics of both sketching and watercolors to enhance your paintings.
Intro to Sewing
with Stacy Owen, Dan Toomre, Katie Champlin
Learn the basics of cutting fabric, using a sewing machine, and the stitches available on most machines.
Sewing with a Serger
with Stacy Owen
Learn to finish your edges with a serger, bringing your sewing skills to the next level.
Intro to Weaving
with Margaret B. Russell
Learn the steps of making a small quilt from start to finish. Emphasis on completion, not perfection!
Candle Making
with Lauren Chunias
Learn the basics of creating jar candles using 100% soy wax and fragrances infused with essential oils.
Intro to Cyanotype Printing
with Megan Bainbridge
Make unique prints using the historic cyanotype process that uses the sun to print on any specially coated surface.
Basket Making: Random Weave
with Kimberley Harding
Make an attractive, functional item while learning the basics of basketry.