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Fitness & Dance
in Personal Enrichment
Contemporary Line Dance (Session 2)
with Joyce Bailey

Line dancing is accessible to everyone, fun for all, and no partner is needed! This will not be strictly country line dancing as a wide range of music will be used. Those who have done jazz and ballroom dancing will enjoy this form of dance too. Dances will be varied and suited for beginner and experienced students. Class has started but you can still drop in! (Drop in Fee $10)
Functional Fitness Thursdays 2 - Stability Ball
with Emma Holder

Spring Interval Training
with Jessica Lockhart

Yoga for Every Body
with Katie Beane-Lewis

Contemporary Line Dancing
with Joyce Bailey

Line dancing is accessible to everyone, fun for all, and no partner is needed! This will not be strictly country line dancing as a wide range of music will be used. Those who have done jazz and ballroom dancing will enjoy this form of dance, too. Dances will be varied and suited for beginner and experienced students. After class starts, you can still drop in. (Drop-in Fee is $9 per class)
Kizomba Dance Experience
with Olenka Rallis, Matt Hunter

Intro to Sewing
with Katie Champlin, Dan Toomre, Stacy Owen

Cuban Salsa
with Anna Golendukhina