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Arts and Crafts
in Personal Enrichment
Intro to Weaving
with Margaret B. Russell

Learn the steps of making a small quilt from start to finish. Emphasis on completion, not perfection!
Intro to Cyanotype Printing
with Megan Bainbridge

Make unique prints using the historic cyanotype process that uses the sun to print on any specially coated surface.
Basket Making: Beginning Basketry for First Time and Returning Students
with Kimberley Harding

Make an attractive, functional item while learning the basics of basketry.
Intro to Sewing
with Stacy Owen, Dan Toomre, Katie Champlin

Learn the basics of cutting fabric, using a sewing machine, and the stitches available on most machines.
Sketching and Watercolor
with Audrey Parker

Every realistic painting benefits from laying down a solid sketch. In this two-day class over two weeks, explore how to map out a composition, break down objects through drawing, and plan how to paint a full scene. Learn how to paint to depict light and depth.
Needle Felting
with Annie Trowbridge

In this workshop you will make a wooly creature that makes a great ornament or small friend! This is a very easy craft that’s great for beginners and also returning felters. We will start with a small intro animal and then do a more detailed one for the rest of the workshop.
Block Printing
with Annie Trowbridge

Block printing is a process of printing an image by carving a linoleum stamp, rolling it with ink, and pressing it on paper. Just like a stamp! The carving process is very satisfying and your image can be simple or complex. Open to beginners!