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Portland Adult Education

Our Classes

7 Secrets to Mindful Organization


with Roz Applebaum

Calendar Oct 22, 2024 at 6 pm, runs for 1 week
How to Plan, Prioritize & Take Action to Save Time, Energy, & Resources. Are you experiencing challenges in prioritizing & planning? Do you routinely lose important items? Do you find yourself always rushing and pressed for time? Are you neglecting key areas of your life? Are you overwhelmed? I challenge you to transform chaos and disorder into mindful organization. Replace old habits with proven techniques that give you a new-found freedom to be more productive, effective, peaceful and joyful.

Thriving Through Change, Tools for Young Adult Transitions


with Sarah Goodwin

Calendar Oct 22, 2024 at 6 pm, runs for 1 week
An interactive workshop geared towards juniors and seniors that allows participants to explore the insight and strengths they need for life after high school. Guided by an evidence-based coaching approach, this workshop aids in developing strategies to manage stress, improve time management skills, establish healthy routines, prioritize self-care practices, enhance emotional resilience, and foster a positive mindset. Additionally, this workshop will support participants in setting and achieving personal and academic goals, navigating transitions, building healthy relationships, and making informed decisions about their well-being during the college experience and beyond.

Yoga For Every-Body (2)


with Katie Beane-Lewis

Calendar Oct 22, 2024 at 6 pm, runs for 6 weeks
There is no wrong way to have a body and there is no wrong body for yoga! The practice of yoga benefits every body and this class is especially designed for people who may not feel like they fit the description of the typical yoga student. While you do not need to be a specific size, shape, or ability level to attend, special attention will be paid to modifications for larger bodies and bodies with mobility and/or flexibility challenges. Classes will move through a modified slow flow and offered in a manner that respects and celebrates differences and encourages strength building, balance, flexibility, and self-acceptance. Breathwork and meditation will also be explored. (no class 11/26)
Full Course

Voice Overs....Now is Your Time


with Will Kamp

Calendar Oct 22, 2024 at 6:30 pm, runs for 1 week
In what could be the most enlightening webinar you’ve ever taken, our instructor and professional voice coach will show you how you can actually begin using your speaking voice for commercials, films, videos, and more. Most people go about it the wrong way. In this introductory class, you will learn about a unique, outside the box way to break into this creative, fulfilling, and potentially lucrative industry. Voice-overs can be managed on your own terms, on your own turf, in your own time, and with minimal overhead!

Will run

Ukulele For Beginners Session 2


with Duncan Perry

Calendar Oct 23, 2024 at 6 pm, runs for 4 weeks

Learn to play the ukulele! It has never been more popular. Here's your chance to find out how to play this wonderfully versatile, go anywhere instrument. Join our no-stress program for some laughs and learning. Bring your sense of humor, a passion for music, and curiosity about playing. Once you master the basics you won't want to stop. So grab a uke, youd do not need to read music-sign up, tune up and show up. Let your musical journey begin!

Instant Guitar for Hopelessly Busy People


with Craig Coffman

Calendar Oct 23, 2024 at 6:30 pm

In just a few hours you can learn enough about playing the guitar to give you years of musical enjoyment, and you won’t have to take private lessons to do it. This crash course will teach you some basic chords and get you playing along with your favorite songs right away. Fee includes the online book, online follow up lessons, a recording of the class, and also an optional periodic question and answer session. Class is held online using zoom and is partly hands on instruction and partly lecture/demonstration. For ages 13+.

Will run

Ballroom Dance for Couples (2)


with Patty Medina

Calendar Oct 23, 2024 at 7 pm, runs for 5 weeks
This class introduces couples to basic ballroom dance skills that will teach them to look great dancing, and help them enjoy a night out, or prepare them for special events like weddings and anniversaries. Requirement: a dancing partner. Class payment is per person.

Will run

Contemporary Line Dance (Beginners)


with Joyce Bailey

Calendar Oct 24, 2024 at 7:15 pm, runs for 7 weeks
Line Dancing is accessible to everyone, fun for all, and no partner needed. This class will not be striclty country line dancing as a wide range of music will be used. We will begin with simple line dances and add more complex patterns. (No class 11/21,11/28)

Will run

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