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Our Classes
Cuban Salsa Level 1
with Anna Golendukhina

Will run
Ferment This! Kombucha
with Emma Holder

You could buy a $4 bottle of kombucha, or you could make your own for pennies. It's simply sweetened black or green tea with a culture added. We'll make a primary ferment in class. A secondary one will be demonstrated so you can make it at home once your primary has developed. We'll discuss kombucha's fascinating history, troubleshooting, glassware and SCOBYs (provided). This hybrid class will include the microbiology and the ferment creation. Instructor Emma Holder, Masters in Micro/Immuno, McGill University.
Intro to 3D Printing
with Tomas Amadeo, Jon Betz

Learn the basics of 3D printing, an exciting tool used to make an almost unlimited variety of objects.
Intro to Metal Lathe
with Daniel Gill

Intro to Sewing
with Stacy Owen, Dan Toomre, Katie Champlin

Learn the basics of cutting fabric, using a sewing machine, and the stitches available on most machines.
Intro to Woodshop
with Eric Dunder, Marrion "Mack"Ladd

Electric Soldering
with Tomas Amadeo

Learn soldering, a critical skill for making electronic circuits.
Voiceovers; Now is Your Time!
with Justine Reiss