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Portland Adult Education

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Business & Computers

in Workforce Skills Training

Microsoft Office Suite


with Barbara Mascarenas

Calendar Apr 8, 2025 at 9 am, runs for 11 weeks

This class is intended for the person who has had little practice using Microsoft Products, but with basic digital competency.  We will use MS Word to create and edit documents containing images, graphs and hyperlinks.  We will use Excel to create and edit basic spreadsheets, using it to calculate and organize data. Everyone will create presentations in PowerPoint, learning to animate text and images and incorporate media like video, music and voice recording.  Each student will learn how to use skills they learn about effective presentations to deliver one to the class.  We will learn to navigate screens between Google and Microsoft Office. We will learn about Office 365, One Drive file sharing and Teams. Prerequisites: CASAS score of 238+; and Digital Skills for the Workplace or equivalent: comfort using a computer including internet browsers. 

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